Friday, January 31, 2014

Healthy Living

Garlic Kills Cancer Cells Without Side Effects

Cancer cells have a high metabolism and require much energy for rapid growth. Researchers reported in the Journal Cancer that that garlic compounds produced reactive oxygen species in brain cancer cells, essentially gorging them to death with activation of multiple death cascades and blocking pathways the proliferation of brain tumors.

Sweet Potato Camote

HEALTH BENEFITS OF KAMOTE (CAMOTE/SWEET POTATO) Today, camote (SWEET POTATO) should be part of your diet even if you have more money to buy or prepare expensive dishes. Camote is the world’s healthiest food, this is according to statement of North Atlantic Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging. The (SWEET POTATO) is indeed healthy due to following reasons. 1) Superior fiber content Sweet potatoes contain almost twice as much fiber as other types of potatoes. Contributing close to 7 grams of fiber per serving, they make an excellent starchy addition to any meal. The high fiber content gives them a "slow burning" quality. This basically means their caloric energy is used more slowly and efficiently than a low-fiber carbohydrate. 2) Good for diabetics. It helps stabilize blood sugar levels by increasing adiponectin, an important factor of insulin metabolism. It has moderate glycemic index of 50. 3) High in dietary fiber and low fat content. Good for the heart and tummy. Fibers help reduce bad cholesterol and ease bowel movement. 4) Deep colored yellow camote contains lutein and beta carotene... antioxidants to prevent rapid aging and maintain good eyesight. Eat yellow camote instead of taking eye supplement. 5) Have lots of essential minerals and vitamins. Manganese, copper, potassium, iron, Vitamin – E, C, B6, B2, and A. It's like a combination of rice and vegetables in a single package. But eating camote repeatedly is boring, have an alternate or try to mix it with other healthy foods. 6) An effective detoxifying agent. It adsorbs heavy metals and take it out of the system. Metals such as lead, arsenic and mercury accumulate in our body due to consumption of commercially processed foods. They should be taken out before harming any tissues.

Healthy Juices

~~~HEALTHY JUICES~~~ Carrot + Ginger + Apple - Boost and cleanse our system. Apple + Cucumber + Celery - Prevent cancer, reduce cholesterol, and eliminate stomach upset and headache. Tomato + Carrot + Apple - Improve skin complexion and eliminate bad breath. Bitter gourd + Apple + Milk - Avoid bad breath and reduce internal body heat. Orange + Ginger + Cucumber - Improve Skin texture and moisture and reduce body heat. Pineapple + Apple + Watermelon - To dispel excess salts, nourishes the bladder and kidney. Apple + Cucumber + Kiwi - To improve skin complexion. Pear & Banana - regulates sugar content. Carrot + Apple + Pear + Mango - Clear body heat, counteracts toxicity, decreased blood pressure and fight oxidization . Honeydew + Grape + Watermelon + Milk - Rich in vitamin C + Vitamin B2 that increase cell activity and str engthen body immunity. Papaya + Pineapple + Milk - Rich in vitamin C, E, Iron. Improve skin complexion and metabolism. Banana + Pineapple + Milk - Rich in vitamin with nutritious and prevent constipation DON'T FORGET TO SHARE. For Green natural Healthy & Happy life and for more valuable posts kindly visit and subscribe: join us on :

Super Brain Foods

Top 15 Super Brain Foods For Kids

1.    Whole Grains

They are a rich source of complex carbohydrates and hence helps to maintain an even glucose level in the blood throughout the day. This will help the brain to get the energy needed for proper working. The children will be more attentive when the glucose level in the body is optimum. Children will have better motor coordination when they have complex carbohydrates.
How To Serve?
•    You can use whole grain breads for breakfast  or for making sandwiches
•    Whole grain cookies can be used as snacks.
Research has shown that kids who eat a proper whole grain breakfast do better in their academics and has less behavioral problems.

2.    Berries

Berries like blueberries and strawberries are high in antioxidants. These antioxidants are expected to improve the cognitive skills in humans. This food will improve the memory power and the vitamin C present in the berries will improve the immune system as well. The antioxidants prevent the oxidative stress on brain function.
How To Serve?
•    Add different types of berries to the cereals or oatmeal
•    You can add them in fruit salads or other desserts

3.    Eggs

Eggs contain protein and nutrients like omega -3 fatty acid, choline, Zinc and lute in. These nutrients are necessary for brain development and function. Choline present in egg is vital for the formation of memory stem cells. The more the stem cells, the better will be the memory power. Choline rich foods promote memory cell production throughout the childhood.
How To Serve?
•    It can be served as boiled eggs or omelets or as scrambled eggs.
•    If your child hates eggs disguise them in toast with whole grain breads.
•    You can use scrambled eggs to fill in tortillas as a snack.

4.    Yoghurt

Yoghurt is a good source of protein, fat and vitamin B. The fat present in yoghurt is very necessary for brain health. This fat keeps the brain cell membranes flexible and helps in sending and receiving information by the brain cells.
How To Serve?
•     You can use flavored yoghurts as desserts
•    You can add them in the lunch box of children along with some mix-ins which they like.
•    You can serve yoghurt with berries on top for breakfast.

5.    Fish

Fish is an excellent brain food as it contains omega 3s and vitamin D. These contents protect the cognitive ability and prevent the memory loss. Fish like salmon, sardine, mackerel and tuna are rich sources of omega 3. The kids will be able to focus better if their brain receives a good quantity of omega 3.
How To Serve?
•    It is better to avoid deep fried fish as this will remove the nutrients.
•    You serve them grilled or roasted.
•    You can use cooked fish in salads and sandwiches
•    If your child is reluctant to eat fish, try fish  oil supplements

6.    Nut Butters

Nut butter contains good fats which are necessary for the overall growth and brain development of children.  Natural butter which is devoid of trans fats such as peanut butter; cashew and almond are rich in healthy fats.
How To Use?
•     You can use them in toasts along with whole grain bread
•    Apple sandwich and almond butter will make a good option for snacks for children.

7.    Greens

Greens are rich in vitamins and folic acid.  Eating spinach and kale can prevent dementia in later life. Sulforaphane, a molecule present in kale helps in detoxifying the body and another content called diindolylmethane promotes the growth of new brain cells.
How To Serve?
•     You can use spinach in salads or omelets or can add it to smoothies.
•    You can saute it and serve with a dash of olive oil
•    You can use the stem or ribs of kale to make chips by baking it with a bit of salt and olive oil.

8.    Oatmeal

Oatmeal is rich in fiber and protein and helps to keep the arteries of the brain and heart clear. It has been found that children who eat oatmeal were better at memory tasks and map skills.  Oatmeal digests slowly and provides the kids with a steady supply of energy for a long time.
How To Serve?
•    Add raisins, dried apricot or walnuts to the cooked oatmeal to make it more appealing.
•    Do not add sugar; instead use honey or maple syrup to sweeten the oatmeal.
•    Cinnamon added to the oatmeal will protect brain cells

9.    Fortified Cereals

Fortified whole grain cereals are rich in folate and complex carbohydrates. The fortified cereals are a great source of protein and vitamin B 12. Vitamin B12 helps us to remember things in a better way.
How To Serve?
•    Avoid cereals with added sugar
•    Try serving them along with peanuts or raisins to make it taste better and to improve the nutrient value.

10.     Water

Water is a highly overlooked food for children. School going children drink very little water and this can affect the proper brain function.  When the children get dehydrated after playing they will be irritable and lethargic and will not be in a frame of mind to listen or memorize.
How To Serve?
•    Offer water along with every meal
•    Make sure that they have access to good drinking water when they are in school.
Brain boosting Foods For Kids

11.     Apples And Plums

Apples and plums have quercetin an antioxidant which fights cognitive decline in humans.  These are especially good for children when they are sluggish.
How To Serve?
•    The nutrients are stored just below the skin of the apples, so make sure that you get organic or pesticide free apples for your kids.
•    Consume them as whole fruits or add them to the preparations liked by the kid.

12.     Broccoli And Cauliflower

Broccoli and cauliflower also contain choline which is essential for brain development and for the effective communication of the brain with rest of the body parts.
•    You can use raw broccoli and boiled cauliflower in salads or in various other preparations.

13.     Lean Beef

Iron deficiency in children can lead to decline in cognitive functioning and poor performance in school. Lean beef is considered as one of the best source of absorbable iron. Beef also contains zinc which boosts the memory.
•     You can add them to the burgers or steaks
•     You can stir fry it with the favorite vegetable of your kid.

14.     Organic Foods

These organic foods are free from pesticides and insecticides and preservatives and do not cause nuerodevelopmental problems in children, which will impair proper brain functioning.
How To Serve?
•    Serve fresh and washed vegetables as salads or in cooked form.

15.     Pumpkin Seeds

A handful of pumpkin seeds will contain the daily required amount of zinc. Zinc enhances the memory and thinking skills.
•    You can add roasted pumpkin seeds into salads
•    You can give roasted pumpkin seeds to kids along with dry fruits as snacks.
Are you a mom searching for the best foods to boost the brain power of your child?  Do you want to improve the brain development the natural way? Give the Super foods for brain development to your child and see the difference in performance.

Flat Belly Diet

Skin Perfect Juice

JUICE FOR BEAUTIFUL SKIN (Requested by Saifullah Khan) This juice combo has all the necessary ingredients for improving your skin's texture and elasticity. Lycopene in tomatoes is said to improve the skin’s ability to protect against harmful UV rays. The high quality vitamin A, C and phytonutrients in carrot and cucumber juice efficiently nourish the skin, preventing dry skin, skin diseases and other skin blemishes. JUICE RECIPE: - 3 carrots - 3 tomatoes - 1 cucumber Happy Juicing! 

Sleep Disorder

Medical Mystery: When sleep doesn't come, death does! The disease is called Fatal Familial Insomnia, or FFI, and is a terminal brain disease. - Tom Retterbush

Sleep Positions

Saturday, January 18, 2014

How To Survive A Heart Attack

HOW TO SURVIVE A HEART ATTACK WHEN YOU ARE ALONE?? Since many people are alone when they suffer a heart attack, without help,the person whose heart is beating improperly and who begins to feel faint, has only about 10 seconds left before losing consciousness. However,these victims can help themselves by coughing repeatedly and very vigorously. A deep breath should be taken before each cough, and the cough must be deep and prolonged, as when producing sputum from deep inside the chest. A breath and a cough must be repeated about every two seconds without let-up until help arrives, or until the heart is felt to be beating normally again. Deep breaths get oxygen into the lungs and coughing movements squeeze the heart and keep the blood circulating. The squeezing pressure on the heart also helps it regain normal rhythm. In this way, heart attack victims can get to a hospital. Tell as many other people as possible about this. It could save their lives!! A cardiologist says If everyone who sees this post shares it to 10 people, you can bet that we'll save at least one life.. Rather than sharing jokes only please contribute by forwarding this info which can save a person's life. - Waring: Do not depend facebook posts on emergency situations, consult with your doctor before practicing in real life

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Clean the Kidney

CLEAN YOUR KIDNEYS Years pass by and our kidneys are filtering the blood by removing salt, poison and any unwanted entering our body. With time, the salt accumulates and this needs to undergo cleaning treatments and how are we going to overcome this? It is very easy, first take a bunch of parsley or Cilantro ( Coriander Leaves ) and wash it clean Then cut it in small pieces and put it in a pot and pour clean water and boil it for ten minutes and let it cool down and then filter it and pour in a clean bottle and keep it inside refrigerator to cool. Drink one glass daily and you will notice all salt and other accumulated poison coming out of your kidney by urination also you will be able to notice the difference which you never felt before. Parsley (Cilantro) is known as best cleaning treatment for kidneys and it is natural!