Saturday, March 15, 2014

To Save The Bees

Gender of Bell Peppers

4 bumps are female and 3 bumps are male female peppers are full of seeds but sweeter and better for eating raw and males are better for cooking.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014


Do you like the fragrant smell of the herb rosemary? Each whiff could be helping you build a better memory. Previous research has shown that a compound found in the essential oil of rosemary (1,8-cineole) can improve long-term memory and your ability to do mental calculations. New research from the University of Northumbria shows it may also improve your prospective memory. Prospective memory involves the ability to remember events that will happen in the future (like a friend’s birthday) as well as tasks you need to complete (like purchasing a birthday card). Share this post with friends and let us know if you’d try this simple way to improve your memory.