Tuesday, April 15, 2014


The Power of Parsley!

Eating that little 'piece' of parsley on your 100% cooked dinner plate is no longer acceptable.... JUMP into the power of Juicing Parsley and you'll be blown away by its POWERHOUSE cleansing and building benefits!

Parsley is effectively an Herb. So we need to see it differently, so far as to know that it's capabilities are more potent in smaller doses than other greens suchas Spinach, Swiss Chard, Kale, etc.,.

Parsley is very high in Pro Vitamin A, and boasts its great benefits to our Heart, Eyes and to our Lungs. It's well known to help lower Blood Pressure as well. It's also Anti-Cancer, anti Inflammatory!

It's a Powerful Blood BUILDER for those of you who suffer from Anemia and it's a powerful Blood Purifier, and promotes HAIR growth and strength. High in Vitamin K, C, Folates and Calcium, really powerful usable Calcium. Not the kind from Rocks, as most people are consuming now days.

Because of its ability to detoxify our bloodstream quickly and effectively, if you use too much of it at once you could experience digestive distress....yes that would mean a bout with diarrhea or loose bowels or some nausea.

We recommend, for first time users, to take a large handful and use it the following ways to make a good Juice Tonic:

Parsley Partners in Vitality!

1 Handful of Parsley
5 Carrots
1 Apple
1/2 Beet
1 Lemon or Lime (organic only, if not organic, don't use peel)

If you have been Juicing for a while with dark leafy greens and/or Parsley, here's a good tonic:

3 Cups Parsley
6 Carrots
1 Apple
1/2 Beet
1 Lemon or Lime (organic only if using peel)

3 Cups equals about 1 ounce of "juice". 2 cups of Parsley makes for 1 ounce in weight, but it takse about 3 cups to make 1 ounce of juice.

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