Saturday, December 21, 2013

F O O D to Stay

1. Carrots: Jasper of the lens of the
eye. Research has shown that the
carrots are actually very useful.
2. Tomato: it’s four chambers, heart
red and its four chambers: the
ventricles and Atria. All recent
research confirms that tomato is
useful for heart and blood food.
3. Grapes: similar to the exterior of
the heart. And each grape looks like
a blood cell ...!! Research has
shown that grape is beneficial for
the heart and the blood also.
4. Nuts: very similar to a brain
(brain) and left perinea, even
Convolutional within it. Actually
research confirms that eating
walnuts contribute to the growth of
many neurons that help in the
performance of their tasks.
5. Beans: Chubb e all the walvasoli
of the kidney in the help function.
6. Onions: similar to the body's 

cells, and research shows that
onions help to eliminate body wastes

cells, and research shows that
onions help to eliminate body wastes

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